The OWB population - how big is it? Ponderings by Pat Hayes, et. al

OWB Data Links, Chutimanitsakun et al.

Excel Web Genotype data used for map reported by Chutimanitsakun et al. 2010; population sizes of n = 82 and n = 93
Excel Web Phenotype data used for QTL analyses reported by Chutimanitsakun et al. and Cistue at al. 2011; population sizes of n = 82 for H. bulbosum-derived lines and n = 93 for anther culture-derived lines
Word Web Comparison of chromosome lengths (Haldane cM) in the OWB-2383+RAD map based on population sizes of n = 82 and n = 93.
Word Web Summary of QTL main effects, QTL x QTL interactions, and heritabilities for reproductive fitness traits measured in the Oregon Wolfe Barley based on a population size of n = 93.

OWB Data Links, Cistue et al.

Excel Web Genotype data used for the 1328 marker map reported by Cistue at al. 2011; population sizes of n = 82 for H. bulbosum-derived lines and n = 93 for anther culture-derived lines
Excel Web Genotype data used for the 622 SNP marker 'skeleton map' for QTL analyses reported by Cistue at al. 2011; population sizes of n = 82 for H. bulbosum-derived lines and n = 93 for anther culture-derived lines
Excel Web Phenotype data used for QTL analyses reported by Chutimanitsakun et al. and Cistue at al. 2011; population sizes of n = 82 for H. bulbosum-derived lines and n = 93 for anther culture-derived lines; raw data

OWB Data Links, Szücs, et al.

Excel Web OWB OPA 2008 mapdata. A workbook of mapping data, BOPA and traditional marker synonyms, graphical genotypes for the OWBs in 'Barley OWB, OPA2008'.
Excel Web OPA Definitions for the OWB 2008 mapdata. A list of OPA marker definitions (best BLAST hit, etc.) for the OPA markers mapped in 'Barley OWB, OPA2008' .

Oregon Wolfe Barley Maps - An Historic Perspective

Link Year Map_Data and Description
GG Link 2008 Barley OWB, OPA2008 The current OWB map set now with 2,383 markers including DArTs, OPAs and GrainGenes curated malt-quality QTL.
GG Link 2006 Barley, OWB, Stein The fifth online map set adding Gatersleben transcript markers and bringing the total to 643 markers.
GG Link 2005 Barley, OWB, SNP The fourth online map set adding another 100 snps related to abiotic stress.
GG Link 2005 Barley, OWB, 2005 The third online map set adding 28 SCRI SNPs, SSRs and indels.
GG Link 2004 Barley, OWB, 2004 The second online map set adding 49 RFLP and 16 DsT loci to the 2001 maps.
GG Link 2001 Barley, OWB The first online map set with 159 loci including 39 morpholocical markers with links to images.

GrainGenes QTL Consensus Maps

Link Year QTL Map_Data and Description
GG Link 2008 Abiotic Stress Abiotic QTL consensus maps GrainGenes curated maps with 31 previously described abiotic QTL mapped onto Rostoks et al Barley SNP maps.
GG Link 2008 Malt Quality Barley OWB, OPA2008 The current OWB map set now with 2,383 markers including DArTs, OPAs and GrainGenes curated malt-quality QTL.


OWB Pic of the Moment

rob orange phenotype (recessive)