There are two populations of OWB doubled haploids. Hordeum bulbosum-derived (Hb) and anther culture-derived (AC). Details on the populations are available online.
For academics the price for each population (Hb or AC) will be $1,000 + shipping. We will make every effort to accommodate the needs of those who do not have the means to pay.
For industry the price for each population (Hb and AC) will be $10,000 + shipping.
Additional charges will apply to international shipments.
We will supply 5 seeds per doubled haploid line and each of the two parents.
All funds received will support OWB-related barley research activities at Oregon State University.
Please note: the Informative and Spectacular Subset (ISS) used for the "Express Yourself" module by Wise et al. consists of 18 lines + 2 parents. The cost is $240 for academics and $2,400 for industry.
Please fill out the following order form and send to
Concerned about fees? We are. Please contact us about opportunities for underwiting the OWB effort. The fee structure was based on that of the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center at The Ohio State University.