Diversity: The Oregon Wolfe Barley (OWB) population is a resource for understanding the importance and uses of genetic diversity in plants. The population was launched at Oregon State University and we continue to coordinate and develop the resource for genetics research and instruction. Dr. Bob Wolfe developed the parents of the population by systematically crossing recessive alleles into one parent and dominant alleles into the other parent – the dominant and recessive marker stocks. The total population consists of 175 barley doubled haploid progeny derived from the cross of dominant and recessive marker stocks ( 82 were developed using the Hordeum bulbosum (H.b.) method and 93 were developed using anther culture (A.C.). A subset of 18 doubled haploids from the H.b. population were selected for maximum phenotypic and genotypic diversity. These 18 doubled haploids, plus the two parents, comprises the Informative and Spectacular Subset (ISS). This website provides access to a variety of OWB resources, ranging from data to seed.
Images: OWB inflorescences, seeds, and plants
Data: Genotype and Phenotype
Teaching resources: Lesson plans and exercises
Order Seed
Growing the OWBs in greenhouse